Contatto Stampare


  • Nome : Pasha
  • Razza : Non conosciuta
  • Sesso : Femmina
  • Taglia : 32cm
  • Peso : 2.5kg
  • Colore : Bianco
  • Microchip : Non conosciuta
  • Castrato : Si

Visto l'ultima volta

All. des Sablons,
16460 Couture

Scomparso in un posto nuovo (per andare avanti)


  • Spaventato / pauroso
    White, long haired, one green one blue eye, not deaf, very timid

Confrontare con un altro avviso

PetAlert Portogallo
L'alerte a été lancée. Merci d'apporter votre aide.
PetAlert - 16.08.2024 - 17:46

Still missing, I am so sad
Susanne - 07.11.2024 - 13:27

I am so sorry Pasha for trusting someone else to look after you xx
Susanne - 14.12.2024 - 22:26

In my thoughts beautiful girl xxx
Susanne - 06.01.2025 - 13:04

I am so sorry that I let you down Pasha, you trusted me and I let you go to someone who was careless, I will always regret letting you go ❤️ xx
Susanne - 07.02.2025 - 22:01

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